Global professional excellence
As an independent member of XLNC, a global alliance of international accounting, consulting and law firms, our firm is able to deliver the best possible advice on a global scale. Through XLNC we have access to experts around the world who are able to give advice on local regulations, compliance and go-to-market strategies. XLNC’s broad international presence opens up a gateway to the global marketplace for both us and our clients. Through our XLNC membership we have access to high quality firms in nearly every major financial and commercial centre worldwide. This remarkable facility applies whether you are looking for business opportunities beyond national boundaries, or need international support in addition to services in your home market. We are here to help and support your success wherever your business takes you. For more information, visit XLNC ( online.
About XLNC
XLNC is a global Alliance of independent professional firms. XLNC, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, operates solely as an administrative resource of the Alliance and therefore provides no legal, audit or other professional services of any type to third parties. Such services are provided solely by XLNC member firms in their respective geographic areas. XLNC and its member firms are legally distinct and separate entities. These entities are not and shall not be construed to be in the relationship of a parent firm, subsidiary, partner, joint venture, agent or a network. No member firm of XLNC has any authority (actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to obligate or bind XLNC or any other XLNC member firm in any manner whatsoever, equally, nor does XLNC have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All XLNC members are independent firms, as such they all render their services entirely on their own account (including benefit and risk), without any involvement of XLNC and/or other XLNC member firms.
Sicherungsverfügung für Dachfläche in Pirmasens rechtmäßig – Eigentümer muss Kosten der Ersatzvornah...
Das VG Neustadt hat die Klage gegen eine bauaufsichtliche Sicherungsverfügung der Stadt Pirmasens nebst Kostenbescheid abgewiesen (Az. 4 K 412/24.NW).
mehrGuidelines zur KI-Definition (AI Act) veröffentlicht
Die EU-Kommission hat am 06.02.2025 Leitlinien veröffentlicht, die das Ziel haben, die sehr vage Definition von KI-Systemen im AI Act zu schärfen. Die KI-Definition ist ein Schlüsselelement des AI Acts, ist sie doch maßgeblich dafür, welche Produkte unter die Verordnung fallen und welche nicht.
mehrSteuerlast deutscher Unternehmen im internationalen Vergleich zu hoch
Die steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen zählen für die Betriebe in Deutschland klar zu den Standortnachteilen. Derzeit werden Gewinne hierzulande mit rund 30 Prozent belastet. Um ein international wettbewerbsfähiges Niveau zu erreichen - der EU-Durchschnitt etwa liegt bei 21,1 Prozent – muss lt. DIHK viel geschehen, von der Abschaffung des Solidaritätszuschlags bis zur Reform der Wegzugsbesteuerung.